
A lyrcial song penned by hip-hop artist Easy McCoy serves as the backbone for social media driven encouragment and inspiration from athletes and celebrities.

About the project

A look at how the world of sports was impacted by the COVID-19 and what athletes are doing at home to help cope.

The Process

Since the onset of shelter in place order, we knew it would be difficult to work on in-person productions. However, it didn’t prevent us from utilizing other forms of outlets and our producer colleague at The Undefeated was developing a project that would challenge us. Her team needed assistance in creating a feel-g00d video that would showcase athletes and sports the world helping with Coronavirus efforts and lifting the spirits of fans.

Sourcing the content for the video proved to be the biggest obstacle. Our team scoured the web any available content that we could use. We also utilized FaceTime to direct Easy McCoy to record himself delivering the lyrics for the video while social distancing on his end. Additionally, we worked within our network to license shots of different cities needed for the opening of the piece.

The Result

You have to work within your means and use your creativity to develop something atypical. The final video, given the resources and timeline, is the result of us not being stymied by the shelter in place. Both The Undefeated and ESPN noticed the impact of the video and gave it more airtime and press.



  • Post-production


  • Television Broadcast
  • Music